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eigo nigate da kara amma minai na

  • 英語 【えいご】
    1. [n] English (language)
  • 苦手 【にがて】
    1. [adj-na,n] poor (at); weak (in); not very good (at)
    2. [n,adj-na] not one's cup of tea; not one's favorite
  • だから
    Compound word: だ + から
    1. [cop-da,cop] note be; is
    2. [aux-v] note did; (have) done
    3. [aux-v] note please; do
    [from / because]
    omitted: 1
  • 1. あんま
    1. [n,vs,vt] massage (esp. anma, a traditional form of Japanese massage)
    2. [n] masseur; masseuse; massager
    3. [n] note blind person
    2. あんま
    1. [adv] note (not) very; (not) much
  • 見ない 【みない】
    [v1] Non-past Negative
    見る 【みる】
    1. [v1,vt] to see; to look; to watch; to view; to observe
    2. [v1,vt] to examine; to look over; to assess; to check; to judge
    3. [v1,vt] to look after; to attend to; to take care of; to keep an eye on
    4. [v1,vt] to experience; to meet with (misfortune, success, etc.)
    5. [aux-v,v1] note to try ...; to have a go at ...; to give ... a try
    6. [aux-v,v1] note to see (that) ...; to find (that) ...
    1. [prt] note don't
    2. [prt] note do
    3. [int] note hey; listen; look; say
    4. [prt] note now, ...; well, ...; I tell you!; you know
    5. [prt] note wow; ooh
    6. [prt] note right?; isn't it?; doesn't it?; don't you?; don't you think?
    7. [prt] indicates な-adjective
    omitted: 7