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daijōbu da yo, koko ga takai tokoro da to omowanakereba ii n da!

  • 大丈夫 【だいじょうぶ】
    1. [adj-na] safe; secure; sound; problem-free; without fear; all right; alright; OK; okay
    2. [adv] certainly; surely; undoubtedly
    3. [int,adj-na] no thanks; I'm good; that's alright
    4. [n] great man; fine figure of a man
    omitted: 1
    1. [cop-da,aux-v,cop] note be; is
    omitted: 5
    1. [prt] note hey; you
    2. [prt] note hey
    3. [prt] note hey; hold on
    4. [int] yo; hey
    [adj-ix] Adjective Stem
    1. [adj-ix] note good; excellent; fine; nice; pleasant; agreeable
    2. [adj-ix] sufficient; enough; ready; prepared
    3. [adj-ix] profitable (deal, business offer, etc.); beneficial
    4. [adj-ix] note OK; all right; fine; no problem
    omitted: 8
  • ここ
    1. [pn] here; this place
    2. [pn] this point; here; now
    3. [pn] note these past ... (e.g. three years); these last ...
    4. [pn] note the next ... (e.g. few days); these next ...
    omitted: 4
    1. [prt] indicates the subject of a sentence
    2. [prt] note indicates possession
    3. [conj,prt] but; however; (and) yet; though; although; while
    4. [prt] and
    5. [prt] used after an introductory remark or explanation
    6. [prt] note regardless of ...; whether ... (or not); no matter ...
    7. [prt] indicates a desire or hope
    8. [prt] note softens a statement
    9. [prt] note indicates doubt
    10. [prt] note indicates scorn
    omitted: 6
  • 高い 【たかい】
    1. [adj-i] high; tall
    2. [adj-i] expensive; high-priced
    3. [adj-i] high (level); above average (in degree, quality, etc.)
    4. [adj-i] loud
    5. [adj-i] high-pitched; shrill
  • ところ
    1. [n,adv,suf] note place; spot; scene; site
    2. [n,suf] address
    3. [n,suf] district; area; locality
    4. [n,suf] one's house
    5. [n,suf] point; aspect; side; facet
    6. [n,suf] passage (in text); part
    7. [n,suf] space; room
    8. [n,suf] thing; matter
    9. [n] note whereupon; as a result
    10. [n] note about to; on the verge of
    11. [n] note was just doing; was in the process of doing; have just done; just finished doing
    12. [n] note approximately; around; about
    omitted: 1
    1. [cop-da,aux-v,cop] note be; is
    omitted: 5
    1. [prt,conj] if; when
    2. [prt,conj] and
    3. [prt] with
    4. [prt] used for quoting (thoughts, speech, etc.)
    5. [prt] note indicates a question
    omitted: 10
  • 思わなければ 【おもわなければ】
    [v5u] Provisional (~eba) Negative
    思う 【おもう】
    1. [v5u,vt] note to think; to consider; to believe; to reckon
    2. [v5u,vt] to think (of doing); to plan (to do)
    3. [v5u,vt] to judge; to assess; to regard
    4. [v5u,vt] to imagine; to suppose; to dream
    5. [v5u,vt] to expect; to look forward to
    6. [v5u,vt] to feel; to be (in a state of mind); to desire; to want
    7. [v5u,vt] to care (deeply) for; to yearn for; to worry about; to love
    8. [vt,v5u] to recall; to remember
  • いい
    1. [adj-ix] note good; excellent; fine; nice; pleasant; agreeable
    2. [adj-ix] sufficient; enough; ready; prepared
    3. [adj-ix] profitable (deal, business offer, etc.); beneficial
    4. [adj-ix] note OK; all right; fine; no problem
    omitted: 9
    1. [int] yes; yeah; uh huh
    2. [int] huh?; what?
    3. [aux-v,suf] note not
    4. [prt] note 's; of; belonging to
    5. [prt] note at (place, time); in; on; during
    omitted: 2
    1. [cop-da,aux-v,cop] note be; is
    omitted: 5