か (score: 11) #2028970
- [prt] note indicates a question
- [prt] note or; whether or not
- [prt] note some- (e.g. something, someone)
- [prt] note hmm; huh
- [pref] note very
- [suf] note -al; -ial; -ic; -ical; -ish; -y
- [adv] in that way
か (score: 4) #1195710
- [n,n-suf] lesson
- [n,n-suf] section (in an organization); division; department
- [ctr] counter for lessons and chapters (of a book)
か (score: 4) #1190710
- [n,n-suf] acceptable; satisfactory; allowed; permitted
- [n] approval; being in favour; (a) vote in favour; aye
- [n] note Pass (grade); Fair; C; D
か (score: 3) #1192680
- [n,n-suf] department; section; faculty; school; arm
- [n,n-suf] course (of study); branch of study; specialization
- [n-suf,n] (taxonomical) family
か (score: 1) #2844158
- [n-suf,n] disaster; calamity; misfortune
か (score: 1) #2842901
- [n] flashiness; showiness; brilliance; splendor
- [n] bloom; flowers
- [n] Republic of China
か (score: 1) #2827787
- [ctr,n-suf] {chem} valence; valency
か (score: 1) #2651980
- [n] note smell (esp. a good smell); fragrance; scent; aroma; perfume
か (score: 1) #2429460
- [n] fruit
- [ctr,suf] counter for fruit
か (score: 1) #2423290
- [ctr,suf] counter for loads (that can be carried on one's shoulders)
か (score: 1) #2253330
- [n] Xia dynasty (of China; ca. 2070-1600 BCE; possibly mythological); Hsia dynasty
か (score: 1) #2248560
- [n] Tuesday
- [n] fire (second of the five elements)
か (score: 1) #2220320
- [ctr] note counter used with Sino-Japanese words
か (score: 1) #2187130
- [n] {Buddh} phala (attained state, result)
- [n] {Buddh} enlightenment (as the fruits of one's Buddhist practice)
- [n] fruit
- [ctr] counter for pieces of fruit
か (score: 1) #2159100
- [suf] under (influence, control, conditions, etc. of); during (war, occupation, etc.)
か (score: 1) #2147200
- [pref] surplus-; excess-; over-
- [pref] per- (chemical with more of a certain element than found in other compounds of the same constituents)
か (score: 1) #2100260
- [n] condyle
- [ctr] counter for grains and small spheres
か (score: 1) #2083110
- [n-suf] day of month
- [ctr] counter for days
か (score: 1) #2056760
- [suf] note change to ...; becoming ...; making into ...; -ization; -ification
か (score: 1) #1863520
- [n] ge (ancient Chinese dagger-axe)
か (score: 1) #1189670
- [n,adj-na] beautiful; good; excellent
か (score: 1) #2815560
- [n] minority; small numbers
- [n] unmarried person; widow; widower