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聞けば 【きけば】 (score: 336) #10196629

Grade 2
[v5k] Provisional (~eba)
聞く 【きく】
  1. [v5k,vt] to hear
  2. [v5k,vt] note to listen (e.g. to music)
  3. [v5k,vt] note to ask; to enquire; to query
  4. [v5k,vt] to hear about; to hear of; to learn of
  5. [v5k,vt] to follow (advice, order, etc.); to obey; to listen to; to comply with
  6. [v5k,vt] to hear (e.g. a plea); to grant (a request); to accept (e.g. an argument); to give consideration to
  7. [v5k,vt] to smell (esp. incense); to sample (a fragrance)
  8. [v5k,vt] note to taste (alcohol); to try