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負け 【まけ】 (score: 168) #1497960

Grade 3
  1. [n] defeat; loss; losing (a game)
  2. [suf] failing to live up to (one's name, looks, etc.)
  3. [n] discount; loss (on a sale)

負け 【まけ】 (score: 112) #10506930

Grade 3
[v1] Continuative (~i)
負ける 【まける】
  1. [v1,vi] to lose; to be defeated
  2. [v1,vi] to succumb; to give in; to surrender; to yield
  3. [v1,vi] to be inferior to
  4. [v1,vi] to break out in a rash due to (e.g. lacquer, shaving, etc.)
  5. [v1,vt] to reduce the price; to give a discount; to throw in (something extra) for free