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nareba waga tomo no tame!

  • こう
    1. [adv] note in this way; like this; so; thus
    2. [adv] this (much); so
    3. [int] note uh; er; mm; well
    omitted: 50
  • なれば
    [v5r] Provisional (~eba)
    成る 【なる】
    1. [v5r,vi] to become; to get; to grow; to turn; to reach; to attain
    2. [v5r,vi] to result in; to turn out; to end up; to prove (to be)
    3. [v5r,vi] note to consist of; to be composed of; to be made up of
    4. [v5r,vi] to be completed; to be realized; to succeed; to be attained; to be accomplished
    5. [v5r,vi] to change (into); to turn (into); to transform
    6. [v5r,vi] to come (to do); to begin (to do); to grow (to do)
    7. [v5r,vi] to come to; to amount to; to add up to; to make
    8. [v5r,vi] to play (the part of); to act as
    9. [v5r,vi] to be used for; to be useful for; to serve as
    10. [v5r,vi] {shogi} to be promoted
    11. [aux-v,v5r] note to do ...
    omitted: 3
  • 我が 【わが】
    1. [adj-pn] my; our; one's own
  • 友 【とも】
    1. [n] friend; companion; comrade; pal
    2. [n] accompaniment; companion (e.g. book); complement; accessory
    omitted: 1
    1. [prt] note indicates possessive
    2. [prt] nominalizes verbs and adjectives
    3. [prt] substitutes for "ga" in subordinate phrases
    4. [prt] note (at sentence-end, falling tone) indicates a confident conclusion
    5. [prt] (at sentence-end) indicates emotional emphasis
    6. [prt] (at sentence-end, rising tone) indicates question
    omitted: 4
  • 為 【ため】
    1. [n,adv] good; advantage; benefit; welfare
    2. [n,adv] sake; purpose; objective; aim
    3. [n,adv] consequence; result; effect
    4. [adv,n] affecting; regarding; concerning
    omitted: 2