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sate, ato wa, oira ga setsumei suru zura

  • さて
    1. [int,conj] well; now; then
  • 1. あと
    1. [n,adj-no] behind; rear
    2. [n,adj-no] after; later
    3. [n,adj-no] remainder; the rest
    4. [n,adv] more (e.g. five more minutes); left
    5. [n,adv] also; in addition
    6. [n,adj-no] descendant; successor; heir
    7. [n,adj-no] after one's death
    8. [adj-no,n] past; previous
    2. あと
    1. [n] trace; tracks; mark; sign
    2. [n] site; remains; ruins
    3. [n] note scar
    1. [prt] note indicates sentence topic
    2. [prt] indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated)
    3. [prt] adds emphasis
    omitted: 10
  • おいら
    1. [pn] note I; me
    1. [prt] indicates the subject of a sentence
    2. [prt] note indicates possession
    3. [conj,prt] but; however; (and) yet; though; although; while
    4. [prt] and
    5. [prt] used after an introductory remark or explanation
    6. [prt] note regardless of ...; whether ... (or not); no matter ...
    7. [prt] indicates a desire or hope
    8. [prt] note softens a statement
    9. [prt] note indicates doubt
    10. [prt] note indicates scorn
    omitted: 6
  • 説明する 【せつめい する】
    Compound word: 説明 + する
    説明 【せつめい】
    1. [vt,vs,n] explanation; exposition; description; account; caption; legend
    [makes a verb from a noun]
  • zura