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da~, wareware ga yūkai suru no wa, arekusa n doria hajimatte irai no biki to nadakai ganetto hime! ! !

  • そう
    1. [aux,adj-na] note appearing that; seeming that; looking like; having the appearance of
    omitted: 33
    1. [cop-da,aux-v,cop] note be; is
    omitted: 5
  • 我々 【われわれ】
    1. [pn] we
    1. [prt] indicates the subject of a sentence
    2. [prt] note indicates possession
    3. [conj,prt] but; however; (and) yet; though; although; while
    4. [prt] and
    5. [prt] used after an introductory remark or explanation
    6. [prt] note regardless of ...; whether ... (or not); no matter ...
    7. [prt] indicates a desire or hope
    8. [prt] note softens a statement
    9. [prt] note indicates doubt
    10. [prt] note indicates scorn
    omitted: 6
  • 誘拐する 【ゆうかい する】
    Compound word: 誘拐 + する
    誘拐 【ゆうかい】
    1. [vt,vs,n] abduction; kidnapping; kidnaping
    [makes a verb from a noun]
    1. [prt] note indicates possessive
    2. [prt] nominalizes verbs and adjectives
    3. [prt] substitutes for "ga" in subordinate phrases
    4. [prt] note (at sentence-end, falling tone) indicates a confident conclusion
    5. [prt] (at sentence-end) indicates emotional emphasis
    6. [prt] (at sentence-end, rising tone) indicates question
    omitted: 4
    1. [prt] note indicates sentence topic
    2. [prt] indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated)
    3. [prt] adds emphasis
    omitted: 10
  • アレクサ
    1. [n] Alexa; Aleksa
    2. [n] Alexa (Amazon assistant)
  • n
  • ドリア
    1. [n] note pilaf topped with bechamel or other cheese-based sauce, then oven baked
  • はじまって
    [v5r] Conjunctive (~te)
    始まる 【はじまる】
    1. [v5r,vi] to begin; to start; to commence
    2. [v5r,vi] to happen (again); to begin (anew)
    3. [vi,v5r] to date (from); to originate (in)
  • 以来 【いらい】
    1. [adv,n] since; henceforth
    1. [prt] note indicates possessive
    2. [prt] nominalizes verbs and adjectives
    3. [prt] substitutes for "ga" in subordinate phrases
    4. [prt] note (at sentence-end, falling tone) indicates a confident conclusion
    5. [prt] (at sentence-end) indicates emotional emphasis
    6. [prt] (at sentence-end, rising tone) indicates question
    omitted: 4
  • 美姫 【びき】
    1. [n] beautiful maiden; beauty
    1. [prt,conj] if; when
    2. [prt,conj] and
    3. [prt] with
    4. [prt] used for quoting (thoughts, speech, etc.)
    5. [prt] note indicates a question
    omitted: 10
  • 名高い 【なだかい】
    1. [adj-i] famous; noted; renowned; celebrated; well-known
  • ガーネット
    1. [n] {min} garnet
  • 姫 【ひめ】
    1. [n] young lady of noble birth; princess (esp. in Western contexts, tales, etc.)
    2. [n-suf,n] girl
    3. [pref] small; cute; lesser (in names of species)
    4. [n] prostitute